wizardshop (145)
Credit cards
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Hello and welcome to wizardshop! We are selling high quality carding products - Credit Cards / PayPals / Guides and so on! This listing will provide you with: - MASTERCARD valid & fresh credit card - CC number - CC expiration date - CC CVV - CC Type - Billing name - Billing address (City, Street, Country, Zipcode) - Billing phone/email/DOB/SSN (optional [not guaranteed]) ... and a lot of support from us! Remember: leave positive feedback and we will send you an extra credit-card! We are online every 24 hours. If you have any issues just leave a message on the order! The Balance is high on these cards. Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card). These cards come with full info in this format.. This is the format you usually get them in when you buy from us: CC|NUMBER|CVV|EXPIRATION DATE|FULL NAME|STREET INFO|CITY|STATE|ZIP CODE (if applicable there might be bonus info about the target)! SOCKS and why we use them Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off IRC with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE). So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card. Finding a cardable site and what cardable means Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website: - The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone). - The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time - If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just stick to local websites and order to your local drop) - If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes) - Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC) IN ADDITION, LOYAL CUSTOMERS WILL PERIODICALLY RECEIVE BONUSES SUCH AS CARDING BROWSERS AND SILENT SOCKS5 OR CC'S - SO DON'T MISS OUT! All CCs are checked by DarkRush private carding sector and are 100% LIVE! Don't miss out on a FREEBIE, we will send you BONUS if you release a positive FEEDBACK YOUR ORDER WILL BE DELIVERED INSTANTLY AFTER PURCHASE. FOR ANY QUESTIONS LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE ORDER PAGE.
Refund policy

Refund policy Refunds are done on a case to case basis. Buyer history, Frequent Buyer, It can take max 48 hrs after accepting your order that it is shipped. If you have any issues with your product please let me know, REFUND or REPLACEMENT WILL BE PROVIDED only if the buyer upload a video on anonfiles.com, OnionShare or MEGA of the full preparation and login procedure and please record it in a detailed detailed from how you set your socks5, VPN, VM, RDP etc to confirm that you know EXACTLY what your doing if everything seems right i will replace or refund. ONLY 24 HOURS AFTER PURCHASE if 24 hours elapses your query will be ignored. [this is to phish out scammers]