breadsdrugged (1228)
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The Most Powerful RAT Venom (550$) + Crypter + Binder 100% undetectable + XMR silent miner
apple, pay, carding, paypal, venom, rat, crypter, virus, trojan

CRACKED VENOM SOFTWARE REMOTE ADMINISTRATION TOOL HIDDEN ROOTKIT *$550 RAT* The most powerful RAT VENOM SOFTWARE $550 Remote Access Tool - Trojan RAT + Crypter (it will become 100% Undetectable) + Binder (inside the rat to attach with pdf file , picture , when victim open the file the rat will start operating = Full access) +Silent Monero miner 1) Build and encrypt the rat (with crypter provided) 2) Bind the RAT to any picture or pdf file (use your imagination) , it will execute when the victim open the file or picture 3) send email to the victim (you can buy any of my email list : ex : 105k uk wealthy people , or 1 billion email adresses) 4) once the victim open the file , the rat will execute in silent mode = you have the total control of the machine 5) inject the silent miner in your victim machine , it will start mining anonymously 6) rince and repeat 7) wait for the monero coming to your wallet
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