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#somatropin #growth #hormone
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Despite the fact that HGH creators initially synthesized it to treat GH-deficient children, it is highly popular in sports, especially in bodybuilding, for the following reasons: Growth of muscle mass, caused by the acceleration of protein synthesis. Loss of fat simultaneously with gaining muscles. Improvement in cartilage quality. Mild side effects. The fat burning function of HGH is performed by growth hormone itself. The hormone binds to somatropin receptors, which leads to elevation of the level of free fatty acids (FFA). So, the body starts using fat, instead of carbohydrates, as an energy source. Fat loss neither interacts with muscle growth nor interferes it. It is a unique feature of HGH, which allows you to gain lean muscles and lose fat altogether. Another unique feature of growth hormone is hyperplasia, the increase in the number of muscle cells due to their proliferation. This effect is significant because HGH-induced muscle gains are permanent, and divided cells allow you to exceed your genetic limit for muscle mass. Dosage: The effective dosage of HGH for bodybuilding is at least 4 IU. If you take it for the first time, it will be enough to consume 4-6 IU of HGH, to gain only clean mass. Then, during next cycles, you can take up to 15 IU/day because growth hormone shows a linear increase in efficacy with dosage. Also, if you take 10 and more IU, you definitely need to include insulin to your cycle because it will help prevent problems with the pancreas. The risk of diabetes is the main side effect of HGH. How to use: The most common protocols are every day and every other day: ED and EOD. Both have their pros and cons. Let’s look at them. ED is more efficient because your IGF and HGH will be at the similar level, so muscle growth and fat loss will be more effective than in EOD. However, you can use EOD if you can’t afford ED protocol. It is fine, and you can use HGH for a longer period under this protocol. Also, you can combine both protocols and rotate them to balance advantages and disadvantages. Although HGH works well when used alone, you can significantly enhance the growth if you combine it with other drugs: steroids and insulin.
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